What relevant experience would you bring to the position you are seeking?

What I believe makes me a great candidate is my ability to undertake issues from multiple points of views because of the diversity of my daily interactions. I am a member of the Astronomy Club, Muslim Students Association, African Student Association, Society of Physics Students, and Bible Study (despite being Muslim). Being members of these very different student organizations demands that I have a diverse outlook on campus life and quite frankly, the world. I believe this quality is invaluable to a governing body like the SGA- Senate that wishes to encompass as much of the student voice as possible when making decisions that affect our school as a whole. I hope to apply this experience to the Senate by assisting in advocating for a variety of students on campus.

How do you intend on fulfilling your role while working alongside other members of SGA? What strategies do you use to address conflict?

As an active member of the senate, I’ve had the amazing privilege of seeing what shared governance looks like: an act of sharing in shouldering the immense responsibility of governing our school. Founded on this premise, I have learned that the role of senator is to uplift the voice of her fellow student while contributing her own perspective in the best interests of the body, so that is how I intend on fulfilling my role. This means bringing a diversity of students and thought to our table which is great in principle, but can result in conflict of ideas, in practice. The best way to address conflict, is to actually address it. From my experience, conflicts that are “left alone” always manifest into bigger issues, so the healthiest way to address conflict is to bare it all for it’s the best way to find a solution.

What is your vision for UMBC and the UMBC student body?

Being a student at UMBC has made me appreciate it for all of its glory and potential. It has also made me aware a culture of complacency amongst the student body. We are always complaining about things that need fixing, but would much rather have them fixed for us rather than making a proactive effort to do it ourselves; running for Senate is my effort to counter this culture and help UMBC realize its potential by encouraging my peers to be the change that they want to see on our campus. I hope to increase civic engagement amongst undergraduates, as well as redefine what it means to be a UMBC student. I want to strengthen and unify our student/school identity as it will instill in us the will and confidence needed to make UMBC the best version of itself. I envision a UMBC that we are proud to call our own.

How do you plan to facilitate communications with your constituents?

I plan to facilitate communication by helping to create an environment in which all constituents are comfortable sharing their ideas, opinions, and concerns without fear of persecution, while also preparing members to be met with constructive criticism, for it allows for meaningful conversation.