What relevant experience would you bring to the position you are seeking?

With experience working as an RA, TA, on-campus as an assistant at a Biology Core Facility (Research Graphics), and coach at STRiVE, I have extensive prior experience as a liaison between groups. I'm also a member of the Honors College and President of a student organization, Sign of Life, so I hear and reciprocate the needs of students working rigorously in academics as well as extracurriculars. As I am running for re-election, I already understand the need to be clearly representing the student body to staff, faculty, and administration, as I work with you all to create the change we wish to see.

How do you intend on fulfilling your role while working alongside other members of SGA? What strategies do you use to address conflict?

It's come to my attention that much of the dissent between-- and within---students, SGA, and other bodies is due to a lack of transparency and understanding. I believe that it is my duty as a Senator to be creating opportunities and opening lines of communication between the different bodies of UMBC. I feel as if too often, the students are given the responsibility and pressure to go out of their way to understand what's going on on campus. I believe that, as an elected representative, Senators are given that same responsibility by their constituents, and it is we who should be going out of our way to provide the transparency and understanding, instead of pushing the onus of action on to other students. It goes without saying that little can be done without the action and support of the student body, SGA and the Senate should be making opportunities not only available, but also accessible for students.

In terms of addressing conflict, my top style is collaborative (of the 5 conflict management styles), which is defined by opening up communication between conflicting parties to find a situation in which both parties benefit. Avoiding is the conflict style I identify with the least.

What is your vision for UMBC and the UMBC student body?

My vision for UMBC and the UMBC student body is one where our community is united and set on a sturdy bedrock of healthy relationships. One where we treat each other as people with whole and complex lives and where we work together to solve problems, improve situations, and inspire positive change both to serve ourselves and those that follow us. Separated and mistrusting of our fellows at UMBC, positive change can only through single trickles, but united, we can be a roaring river. I've been told, "a large ship turns slowly," in reference to my attempts at making change in large organizations on campus, and that might be true if I were working alone, but with the support of a unified UMBC community, we can steer this ship towards a shared vision we see, together.

How do you plan to facilitate communications with your constituents?

One thing that I noticed during my single semester as a Senator has been that we are largely invisible to the bulk of the student body. Students don't know who we are and the work we do, even as a whole: SGA. All that is really seen is an organization that may sponsor an event or two, and begrudgingly relinquishes an iron grip on Student Organization funds. Obviously, the images I described are misconceptions, or at least taken out of context, but the average student isn't aware of that. As a Senator, I plan on being visible and, not just available, but accessible. I plan on forwarding knowledge in a way that doesn't force students to jump through hoops simply to be informed.

UMBC is a small campus. After a certain point, we end up knowing a quite a healthy portion of campus. Now multiply that to the eleven seats in Senate. I feel if we make our presences more visible on campus and social media, avenues of communication will be made more clearly between the Student Body, SGA, and moving forward, staff, faculty, and administration.