What relevant experience would you bring to the position you are seeking?

My experience taking accounting and econ classes at UMBC give me relevant skills necessary to perform the duties of the UMBC Finance Board of Representatives. During my classes I have learned how to manage my finances, which I can apply to the UMBC Finance Board of Representatives.

How do you intend on fulfilling your role while working alongside other members of SGA? What strategies do you use to address conflict?

I would fulfill my duties to the best of my abilities by being present and listening to the needs of the clubs on campus. I would also promote awareness of the duties and functions of the UMBC Finance Board of Representatives to students to facilitate a better understanding of how the finance board operates.

I deescalate conflict by listening to the other person and then providing my prospective in a civil, non-accusatory manner to allow the other person to understand my point of view while not becoming defensive. These strategies of patience and understanding make me agreeable and good at deescalating conflict.

What is your vision for the funds that SGA has available to allocate to student organizations?

My goals, if elected, as a member of the UMBC Finance Board of Representatives will be to promote funding of programs that increase student club and political engagement on campus. Specifically, I will lobby to fund and encourage clubs to bring more speakers to campus as having professionals talk about interesting topics increases engagement and awareness on campus.

What do you think the Finance Board has done well? What do you think the Finance Board needs to improve?

TThe Finance Board has done a fair job, but there is a significant amount of improvement that can be made. The Finance Board would benefit from providing better awareness of how clubs are funded to the students of UMBC. The campus does not know much about the Finance Board or SGA in general, therefore making it difficult for clubs to get necessary resources. Additionally, the finance board’s procedures should be modified to have line item budget requests to limit frivolous spending and edit forms if items requested are no longer available.