What relevant experience would you bring to the position you are seeking?

This year I am bringing three years of SGA experience to the table, two of which are from being a senator. Since the beginning of March I have also served as the Senate Speaker. Outside of SGA, I have two years experience being an RA, and working with Chartwells.

How do you intend on fulfilling your role while working alongside other members of SGA? What strategies do you use to address conflict?

I want to be in SGA for another year to help students as passionate as me find their way in solving issues on campus. Being engaged in your community is something that SGA is passionate about and I believe that everyone can have an impact with the right support and guidance. By having three years of SGA experience, I feel confident in my ability to lead and help use the lessons that I have learned to empower those that may need help. When conflict arises, I believe that it is important to talk about it and clear it up. When conflict festers it causes a tension within the body or organization that can cause an unwelcoming feeling. At the very least, SGA should also be a professional environment where people can work together professionally even if personally they do not get along.

What is your vision for UMBC and the UMBC student body?

I want to see SGA have more student involvement and accountability. One of the largest issues on campus is people have problems, but do not understand how to solve them. I want SGA to be an organization that welcomes people to share their issues and helps them solve them in the capacities they have control over. While we can not solve every issue, we can at least try! I also want the SGA to have more accountability to be doing work that matters. By holding our peers to the expectation to be the best they can be, we as a student body and SGA can really make an impact.

How do you plan to facilitate communications with your constituents?

I want to be out in the spaces that students are in, talking to them about the issues affecting the student body and how I plan to tackle them. I want students to find me approachable and have authentic conversation with me about what they want to see change on campus. By being open to hearing feedback and ideas, that is how the campus can begin to change.