What relevant experience would you bring to the position you are seeking?

I am the current Vice chair of the Finance board and will be able to bring this year's knowledge to the new board. I have a clear vision of the board's dynamic and how it will be able to support student organizations

How do you intend on fulfilling your role while working alongside other members of SGA? What strategies do you use to address conflict?

Constant communication with other members so that all ideas are considered. Increase interbranch cooperation within SGA to promote unified efforts of change

What is your vision for the funds that SGA has available to allocate to student organizations?

I wish to further formalize the allocation process and give student organizations a clear explanation for each vote. The funds we allocate will be used to create a diverse campus environment

What do you think the Finance Board has done well? What do you think the Finance Board needs to improve?

I believe that the fiance board has done well to support student organizations events through the increased funding of food, travel, and lodging. However, at the end of the year we are facing strong budget constraints. To continue to support student organizations we need to have better planning and forecasting