We are HAPPY that many enthusiastic graduates return to serve and enrich our academic community.

We stay connected with our alumni and are proud to share that many have returned and contributed to our school in many ways. We greatly appreciate their commitment and efforts in giving back to our school as they are an inspiration to our students!


Mr John Lim


Back in 2001, when I was a student in TPSS, Racial Harmony Day was a relatively new event. I remembered we were among the first batches of students who exchanged ethnic costumes with our classmates and wore them in the spirit of Racial Harmony Day. It was a joyous affair which carried important messages for all of us.

In 2012, when I became a teacher in TPSS, Racial Harmony Day still held the same important messages and place in the school calendar. I am glad to see the spirit of Racial Harmony very much alive today. It is indeed wonderful to see enthusiastic students and teachers donning ethnic costumes, celebrating our ethnic diversity and having a great time together!

Mr Adrian Phuah


The diverse ethnicity of TPSS benefitted me socially. It was here that I received endearing lessons on unity and racial harmony. The school promoted school spirit and cross-racial friendships without exceptions, in the school curriculum. Through participation in school events such as Mass Run and inter‐class competitions, I learned to work with my schoolmates who were from different races and cultural backgrounds. Over time, I respected and admired them to a large extent despite of our ethnic differences.

One such experience that I remembered fondly was when my classmates who were from different races, performed a song and dance item at the Teachers Day concert in 1989. I spent many hours with my classmates, rehearsing tirelessly for our performance. By dancing, singing and eating together, I forged many true friendships beyond ethnicity that have lasted till today.

Mr Aloysius Liau


I participated in the creation of TPSS Conversation Card Game in 2017. The card game engages us in meaningful conversations about racial harmony. Most importantly, it challenges our assumption on racial stereotypes within a fun and safe setting.

Through the experience, I have learned that racial harmony is more than just wearing different traditional ethnic costumes. It is about the need to trust and having mutual respect and appreciation for each other despite of our racial differences.

We are one people, one school, one Singapore.