Tampines Secondary School (TPSS) extends a warm invitation to Primary 6 students to apply for direct admission into the school for academic year 2022, before the Secondary One Posting Exercise.

We welcome students who are talented in any of the following three talent areas:

Performing Arts

  • Modern Dance

  • Chinese & Modern Dance

  • Malay Dance

  • Concert Band

  • English Drama

  • Choir

Visual Arts

  • Drawing and Painting

Candidates should meet at least two of the following criteria:

1. Prior experience in the talent area

2. Participation in national performance and/or competition with attainment (e.g. Certificate of Accomplishment at SYF Central Judging)

3. Attained at least Grade 5 (or equivalent) in the relevant talent area

4. Possess a personal portfolio (e.g. comprising the student’s own drawings or paintings)

STEM – Creative Engineering and Modelling

Candidates should meet at least one of the following criteria:

1. Prior experience as a member of a CCA which has STEM related activities (e.g. coding, robotics, drones)

2. Represented school in STEM related competitions

3. Able to demonstrate and showcase creativity in STEM with photos or videos of past projects

selection criteria

Application for DSA-Sec can be submitted through the online DSA-Sec Portal. The application is free-of-charge and will be open some time in May 2021. For more details, please refer to MOE website.

We will update our school’s website with key information once MOE has announced the details for DSA selection. Thank you for your kind patience.

contact details

For clarification, please contact:

  • Visual and Performing Arts

Mr Christopher Tan

Head of Department

English Language and Literature

  • STEM – Creative Engineering and Modelling

Mr Benjamin Low

Head of Department

Craft and Technology

Thank you.

DSA Coordination Team