井上円了研究情報 | Inoue Enryo Research Materials

井上円了データベース  | Inoue Enryo Database


Contains a bibliography related to Inoue Enryo, a catalog of materials related to the history of Inoue Enryo Toyo University owned by the Inoue Enryo Memorial Museum, and Enryo's calligraphy (with images).Click here to access.

井上円了選集テクストデータベース  | Digitized Selected Writings


Open access to volumes 1 to 16 and 19 to 21 of the Inoue Enryo Selected Writings『井上円了選集』as searchable e-text is provided here.

井上円了選集未収録資料リンク集  |Materials not Collected in Selected Writings


The National Diet Library Digital Collections include most of Enryo's published writings. Among the scanned materials from the Meiji and Taisho periods, there are also several works of Enryo that were not reprinted in the Inoue Enryo Selected Writings『井上円了選集』. A list of these writings can be found here.

井上円了巡講地データベース  | Inoue Enryo's Lecture Tours


The file lists the Japanese place names and dates of Enryo's lecture tours through the Empire.


井上円了巡講地データベース  [Excelファイル]


井上円了巡講地データベース  [PDFファイル]

井上円了関連文献データベース | Bibliography of Japanese Language Materials


The excel files list all Inoue Enryo related literature (both primary and secondary) since 1875 until today.

1997年以前 | Enryo Bibliography 1857-1997


井上円了文献年表| Enryo Bibliography 1875-1997



井上円了文献年表| Enryo Bibliography 1875-1997


1997年以降(暫定版)| Enryo Bibliography since 1997


井上円了文献年表1997年以降| Enryo Bibliography since 1997



井上円了文献年表1997年以降| Enryo Bibliography since 1997


井上円了の学習ノート翻刻 | Transcription of Inoue Enryo's Notebooks


Most of Enryo's handwritten notes from his student years at Tokyo University have been transcribed and edited by Shibata Takayuki, who generously makes his work available online for further research. The first file provides an overview of the existing sources held by the Inoue Enryo Research Center.





1-1-3-2 tr.pdf

1-1-3-2 最近哲学史

en1-1-3-3 tr.pdf

1-1-3-3 英文

1-1-3-4 tr.pdf

1-1-3-4 英国哲学書

1-1-3-5 tr.pdf

1-1-3-5 古代哲学

1-1-3-6 tr.pdf

1-1-3-6 心理学

1-1-3-7 tr.pdf

1-1-3-7 論理学

1-1-6-2 tr.pdf

1-1-6-2 稿録乙

1-1-6-6 tr.pdf

1-1-6-6 仏書講録

1-1-6-11 tr.pdf

1-1-6-11 雑稿

東洋大学学術情報リポジトリ | Toyo University Repository for Academic Resources


The Toyo University Repository for Academic Resources provides open access to the following resources published by Toyo University:

年表・著作一覧・選集目次 | Tables of Life and Works


The PDF contains a comprehensive chronological table of Enryo's life and works, an alphabetical list of Enryo's works and the combined table of contents of the Inoue Enryo Selected Writings『井上円了選集』. The data edited by Miura Setsuo were published in 2004 in the Annual Report of the Inoue Enryo Center『井上円了センター年報』(vol. 13) and in the Inoue Enryo Selected Writings (vol. 25).




円了の学問体系著作 | Works and System of the Sciences


The PDF provides bibliographic information about Inoue Enryo's main works arranged according to his own system of the sciences.

Works and System of Sciences by Inoue Enryo.pdf

Works and System of the Sciences


西洋研究文献目録 | Bibliography of Western Language Materials


The bibliography collects all secondary literature about Inoue Enryo in the Roman alphabet since his death in 1919. Information about additional materials is always appreciated.

Enryo_bibliography_updated April 2022.pdf

Western Language Research Bibliography (updated April 2022)


円了著作翻訳目録 | Bibliography of Translations


The bibliography lists all known translations of Inoue Enryo's writings into Western languages and into Chinese. Information about additional materials is always appreciated.

Chinese Translations.pdf


Chinese Translations of Inoue Enryō's Works, 1889-1923

Enryo_Biblio Western translations April 2022.pdf


Bibliography of Translations into Western Languages (updated April 2022)

円了関係ローマ字史料 | Historical Roman Alphabet Sources


The present collection of texts is a survey of source materials about Inoue Enryo during his lifetime from 1858 to 1919.
This collection of contemporary roman alphabet sources about Inoue Enryo was published in 2011 in the Annual Report of the Inoue Enryo Center『井上円了センター年報』(vol. 20). The file made available below includes an errata sheet.

Philosopher's Ashes Return to Tokyo.pdf

Rainer Schulzer. Philosopher's Ashes Return to Tokyo (2011)


用語対訳表 | Translation Glossaries


The glossaries below are work in progress. Extent of terms, names and titles is limited. The translations should be considered as suggestions.

円了関係訳語目録(名・著・事) 2023年9月25日.xlsx

Enryo Related Translation Terms

哲学堂関係訳語索引 2023年9月25日.xlsx

Index of Temple Garden of Philosophy Translation Terms

妖怪学訳語目録 2023年9月25日.xlsx

Mystery Studies Translation Terms

円了哲学訳語グロサリー 2023年9月25日.xlsx

Translation Glossaries of Enryo's Philosophical Terminology

井上円了人脈データベース  | Database of Inoue Enryo's Social Network


The Database is based on the Dictionary of Persons Related to Inoue Enryo『井上円了関係人物辞典』published by Miura Setsuo 三浦節夫 in 1986 in Inoue Enryo Research『井上円了研究』(vol. 4, 141-233). Additional data were provided by Ideno Naoki 出野尚紀. (uploaded November 2023)

井上円了人脈データベース (2023年11月12日版).xlsx

井上円了人脈データベース (2023年11月12日版)
Database of Inoue Enryo's Social Network(uploaded November 2023) 