C8 - Rate of reaction and equilibrium

Independent Learning


Task 1: Know

Task 1:  Use look, cover, write check to  learn the answers to the core questions and the keywords for this topic

C8 - Knowledge Organiser - HSL

Task 1b: Listen to the podcast to get an overview of this topic


Task 2:   Rates of reaction  

Task 2a: Read through the slides

Lesson 1 & 2 - Rates of reaction - Default

Task 2b: Make notes that:

State the definition for a chemical reaction and explain how you could tell if one has taken place.

Answer the questions on slide 17.

Give the equation for calculating rate of reaction and complete the questions on slide 15.

Describe how to calculate the gradient of a tangent (set 1&2 only).

Define activation energy and the collision theory.

Task 2c. Answer the exam question on slide 31 and self mark using slide 32.

Task 2d. Copy and complete the table on slide 35.

Task 3:  The effect of surface area

Lesson 03 - Investigating the effect of Surface Area - Default

Task 3a: Make notes that:

3b. Read the practical instructions on slide 15 and:

Task 3c:  watch the video 

Task 3d:    copy the graph and sketch & label two additional lines to show the results if surface area was increased and decreased.

Task 3e:  Answer the exam question - self mark once you are done

Task 4: The effect of concentration

Task 4a: Watch the video

Describe how to investigate the effect of concentration using the disappearing cross.

Task 4b: Watch the video

Describe how to investigate the effect of concentration by measuring the volume of gas produced.

Task 4c: Read through the slides and make sure you can answer the questions at the end

Lesson 05 & 06 - Investigating the effect of Concentration - Default

Task 4d:  complete the exam questions - check your work using the markscheme

Task 5: The effect of catalysts

Task 5a: read through the slides

Lesson 07 - Investigating the effect of Catalysts - Default

Task 5b: Make notes that:

Explain how catalysts increase the rate of reaction. - include a reaction profile graph in your explaination

Explain why catalysts are important for industry.

Give three examples of catalysts and where they are used.

Task 5b: Complete the progress quiz.

Task 6: Reversible reactions and equilibrium

Task 6a: read through the slides and watch the video

Lesson 08 - Reversible reactions - Default

Task 6b: make notes that:

Task 6c. Answer the exam question and self mark.

Set 3 - go to task 8 now

Task 7: Altering conditions - Set 1&2 only

Task 7a: read through the slides and watch the video

Lesson 09 - Dynamic Equilibrium - Default

Task 7b: Make note that:

Task 7d. Answer the exam question and self mark.

Task 8: Summary

Task 8a: Watch the video

Task 8b: Complete the seneca learning unit for your set.  

Task 8c:  Make a mind map or single page revision summary of this topic and add it to your revision folder

Task 9: Check

Task 9: Complete the quiz for your set to make sure you understand this unit.


Apply your new knowledge to some past paper questions: