Flow Charts

A flowchart shows the steps of a problem as boxes of various kinds, and their order is shown by connecting the boxes with arrows. This is a way of showing a solution to a problem in a visual way.

There are many different types of symbols that are used in flowcharts. It depends what job you want them to do.

these are the ones that we will need to use for our planning.

There are lots more symbols. See more here.



Make a copy of this flow chart and fill in the boxes with the correct instructions.

Help Video

Do you own flowchart diagram for one or two of the following things. 

Use Google Drawings to make your diagrams.

Making Loops

You can use a flow chart to plan loops.

This example shows a loop for the alarm going off in the morning.

You will notice that there is a new flowchart block used here - the delay block.

Make you own loop diagrams for the following things. Use Google Drawings to make your diagrams.

Flowchart Practice Exercises

Use this exercise to practice your flowchart skills and knowledge.

The blocks from coding the mBot are there and you have to put the flowchart blocks in the correct order.