
Is your Environment Outside?

Use Google Maps to get a view above where you are wanting the shelter to be used.

Get a map view and the satellite view.

Place the Google Street view man in place on your map so you can get a "real life" view of where you are wanting the shelter to be used.

Take note of the land, how level it is and what the surface is as this will help you to design how secure you need to make the base of your shelter.

Use Google My Maps to draw the area that your design will be used on.  Use the line tool to draw around the specific area and colour it so it stands out.

Take a screen shot of this for your project / portfolio.

Do a Google Image search to see if there are any photographs / pictures online of the area that you are looking at that other people have taken. Choose a couple of them to include in your research.

Make sure they show a good view of where you would be using your shelter design.

Is your Environment Inside?