Design Analysis

In this activity, you will be looking at the description used in an advertisement for a speaker.

Follow the instructions and fill in the template.

Use this template to analyse a product. It works through the SOLO levels at each stage so make sure you answer in full sentences.

This template outlines different areas to discuss when doing product analysis and slowlt builds the complexity through SOLO levels.

This presentation takes you through each SOLO step on a seperate page to build up the complexity of your answer for design analysis.

DVC Analysis Guidelines using SOLO

When doing your explanation writing about your designs or the designs of others, use this diagram as a guide for what to include.

This template breaks an analysis down into paragraphs.

When writing your analysis of your designs or the designs of others, some ideas for what to include in your paragraphs are on this diagram.

Use this template in order to use SOLO to structure your questions when analysing a product.