Tinkercad Design

Creating your account on Tinkercad.

Click on the Tinkercad logo to go to the online programme and follow the instructions to join your class.

You can also click on the the button here to join your class.

Click on this logo to go to to Tinkercad.com

When you click on your class to go to Tinkercad, it will ask for your NICKNAME.

Your nickname for the class is your FIRST NAME with all SMALL LETTERS


Watch these videos and follow along with them on your own Tinkercad account. These will help you learn some key Tinkercad skills that you can use in later tasks. Repeat these tasks as often as you need to to understand what you are doing. 

Tinkercad Lessons

Tinkercad has its own built in lessons that teach you some basic skills that will help you understand how to use it.

Work through these lessons at your own speed.

Starting the lessons

The Dashboard

Basic Skills

Tinkercad Dashboard

Starting a new design

Resizing shapes

Using Workplanes

Align and Group

Using the hole tool


Use the skills you have learned to try these challenges.

Read the presentations carefully and follow all of the instructions. 

Copy of TinkerCad Basics and Name Tag

Design a Nametag

Copy of Tinkercad Teachers

Tinkercad Teacher