Product Research

We look at existing designs of lighting so that we can see what shapes, materials, style they use. We see how they are made and what job they do.

Extra reading.

Activity 1

Types of Lighting

Produce a spider diagram of all the possible styles of the type of lighting that your client wanted.

Illustrate this diagram with photographs of some of the types of lighting and spend some time looking at the differences between the different types.

Activity 2

Describing your Product

Choose a lighting style that your client said that they wanted and use that in the centre of your describe diagram.

Note :- an ADJECTIVE is a describing word. You need to use DESIGN related words. 

Activity 3

Product Analysis

Put  lighting designs  of your choice, similar to the type you are going to design on each page. Then you are going to answer the questions on each page as FULLY as you can.

Analysis Guidelines using SOLO

Activity 4

Compare and Contrast

A good way of analysing a product and being clear about why design decisions were made is to compare it to a similar product.