Skips and Holdovers

Skips and Holdovers

Often school leadership will recommend moving a scholar forward to another grade (skip) to ensure that they are engaged and challenged by the material, or they may require that a scholar repeat the current grade (holdover) to ensure that they have mastered essential content and are confident in the classroom. If a grade change is appropriate, your principal and your child’s teacher will have a series of discussions with you. Final holdover decisions are made by your school’s leadership. Scholars in Gr 3-11 will have the opportunity to remediate over the summer during Summer School in order to support their advancement to the next grade. 

Reference the Academic Policies for more information about meeting academic requirements in each grade level.

Fifth Year of High School 

In high school, SA offers a fifth year for scholars for previously skipped students or students who may benefit from more time to mature, a slower pace for completing the rigorous course load, or time to take AP and college-level courses and accumulate college credits through dual-enrollment programs at Columbia University, Hunter College, and other outstanding higher education institutions.