School Values


In addition to being good readers, writers, mathematicians, and scientists, we teach scholars to be people of high moral character who are self-reflective about their actions. At all Success Academy schools, respect for others and proper behavior are taught, modeled, expected, and rewarded. Our ACTION Values are more than just slogans on a wall — they are central to who we are.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) 

At Success Academy, we believe that mutual respect is at the heart of our school community. We talk to children about the responsibility we have to ourselves and to one another to do what is right and kind, to be honest and open, and to treat others as we wish to be treated. Discrimination is against the law, and it is the policy of Success Academy to respect every member of our community regardless of race, color, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, disability, or sexual orientation, including a person’s LGBTQ identity. We do so not just because it’s our legal obligation, but because we believe that all people should be treated fairly.

Success Academy is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, not just by running public schools that give children from all backgrounds access to an exceptional education, but also by ensuring that all scholars, parents, and staff are treated with respect; regularly reviewing school policies and guaranteeing that their implementation is equitable, fair, and inclusive.

Academic Integrity

One of our core values is honesty; we take academic integrity seriously. In general, academic cheating is:

Beginning in elementary school, we talk to children about cheating, why it’s wrong, what it looks like, and its consequences. You play an essential role in supporting our schools’ core values. Please help us prevent cheating and other morally wrong behaviors by talking with your children about right and wrong.

Beyond Z

“Beyond Z” is a phrase we use to emphasize that Success Academy scholars, teachers, and parents and guardians should go far beyond what is expected.