
We have a zero-tolerance policy against acts of harassment, discrimination, or bullying. This includes behaviors that take place outside of school. In general, bullying is targeted and repeated, involves a power imbalance, creates a hostile environment, and has substantial negative consequences. We are all responsible for stopping harassment, discrimination, and bullying before and when they happen.

Reporting Bullying

Scholars should tell their teacher, a member of the school leadership team, or another adult (including a parent or guardian) right away if they believe they or someone they know are being harassed, discriminated against, or bullied. Parents and guardians may also report potential acts of harassment, discrimination, or bullying to teachers and administrators, either orally or in writing. There will be no retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, reports or assists in the investigation of potential acts of harassment, discrimination, or bullying.

Preventing Bullying

Respect toward others is one of our most important principles. It is never okay to engage in harassing, bullying, or discriminatory conduct. Scholars are responsible for their own actions, regardless of how others may be acting. While scholars don’t have to be friends with every single scholar at school, they should always be respectful.