Social-Emotional and Mental Health

Social-Emotional and Mental Health

At Success Academy, the social-emotional health of scholars is a top priority. We know that learning cannot occur unless scholars are happy and healthy, and we are committed to the development of the whole scholar. Our schools are staffed with Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) specialists — trained professionals who are available to support the well being and mental health of all scholars. SEL instruction helps children understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions — all of which is needed to be successful in and out of the classroom. 

Services and Support

Our SEL Specialists provide a variety of services to scholars who may be experiencing social, emotional, behavioral, or academic difficulties. Such services include preventative mental health and wellness curriculum and programs, building-wide initiatives, group counseling, and individual counseling. 

In addition, through Uwill, a leading mental health platform for young people, Success Academy scholars age 13 and over have access to free online mental health counseling services.

We also have contacts with a variety of outside, support organizations and do referrals for outside counseling may be provided upon need or request. 

If you are concerned about your scholar’s mental health, please reach out to your teacher or scholar’s Advisor. You may also contact the community-based providers included in this guide

Health Services/Crisis Prevention and Support 

When scholars require support, we strive to do all that we can to help meet their needs. Please notify your scholar’s teacher or Advisor if there are significant events impacting the physical health or emotional well-being of your scholar so that we can understand how we can help.

If you are facing a disruption or total loss of housing, you may want to contact the providers in this guide, which can support families with a wide range of needs, including temporary housing programs and facilities, tenant advocacy assistance, homelessness prevention counseling, supplemental educational and college access programs, or legal aid services.