Academic Policies: K-12 Overview


These policies show how Success Academy assesses academic progress, including the role of classwork; participation; assignments, including homework; and assessments. Parents play an essential role in supporting scholars’ development into autonomous, self-assured, sophisticated thinkers in kindergarten through twelfth grade. We encourage parents to review the overview as well as the policies for their child’s grade level and reach out to their school with questions. 

Determining Grades

Throughout your scholar’s K-12 education, their academic progress will be evaluated in four critical areas: classwork, participation, homework, and assessments.


Scholars earn classwork grades in all subjects. An average of their graded classwork assignments over the course of the quarter will be reflected on their report card in elementary and middle school, and on PupilPath in high school.


In elementary school, scholars earn a weekly participation grade in literacy, math and science; in middle school and high school, scholars receive weekly grades in all academic and elective subjects. Participation grades are calculated based on how consistently scholars display attributes and behaviors in the following two categories:   

K-12 Participation Rubric


Scholars earn a homework grade each week (with the exception of elementary school science). Additional homework assignments are assigned over breaks. An average of their graded homework assignments over the course of the quarter will be reflected on their report card in elementary and middle school, and on PupilPath in high school. As noted in the Family Handbook, parents are responsible for ensuring their child completes all homework assignments on time. We evaluate homework completion as one component of a scholar’s performance and readiness for grade promotion.


Assessments are a critical component of our approach: well-designed tests measure real learning and, along with regular reviews of student work, provide educators with important insights into the quality of their teaching and scholar learning. All internal and external assessments, including New York State exams, are mandatory. Scholars who miss an assessment due to an excused absence with a doctor’s note, or due to bereavement, can make it up upon their return to school within a maximum time frame of two weeks. External assessment makeups may be limited due to New York State and College Board-established scheduling and policies.

Grading vs. Reviewing Assignments

All scholar work is essential to monitoring and helping improve academic performance. While scholars will typically receive a grade for one assignment per category per week, teachers must review all scholar assignments and provide feedback to assignments that are not graded. 

Report Cards & PupilPath

The report card is an important tool for helping parents support their scholar’s academic progress. Report cards can help parents identify their scholar’s areas of growth, talk to their scholar about how they can improve, and work with their scholar’s teacher(s) to develop a plan for academic mastery. 

Success Academy also encourages scholars and families to use PupilPath — an online tool that shows scholar performance on assessments, homework, projects, and classwork — to regularly view academic progress in real time. In high school, scholars and families will solely reference PupilPath for all grades (report cards will not be published in high school). Learn more about how to use PupilPath here