Foundations of art

My art very well illustrates my strengths and weaknesses as a learner in many ways. I would say I am a decently skilled artist, but at the beginning of the year as shown above, I was a little rough. I think I have definitely learned and improved a lot with my capabilities and techniques over this past year of foundations of art.

There has been many challenging projects assigned over the past year, but I would say that the wire sculpting challenged me the most. I really struggles learning the corrects techniques with making the right connections, as well as just the strenuous physical aspect of this type of art. However, I did keep trying and figured it out in the end. So even though it was a big challenge and it may not have ended up very picture perfect, that piece of artwork is probably the one I am most proud of because of how I struggled and persevered through its creation.

My artistic goals for the future/summer would be to keep trying new things and having fun with art. My family has always been very artistic in many ways, so I am sure it won't be hard for me to keep creating things as I have always done in the past, but after this year of foundations of  art I am excited to keep stepping out of my comfort zone of with just basic sketches, and keep trying new things.