Training Plan Evaluation

My training plan for two weeks.

Minimum of four bike rides per week, all close to an hour, and goal to either do large number of miles or focus on more elevation gain.

Also two hours of upper body workouts to improve upper body strength.

ISPE training eval.

Key Activities:

Key activities I did for training was often focusing before hand on either doing a ride with a lot of miles or focusing on a lot of elevation, both are important for racing as they both help build up leg strength.

Other activities I focused on was benching and pull ups which i tried to do two hours of each week. This I didn't record any data of but was able to show improvement from my baseline to the end of this season.

Principles of fitness: By being able to improve my speed, strength and endurance throughout this season I have shown I've increased in two principles of fitness: 1st the cardiovascular endurance, by being able to get more oxygen to my muscles during exercise and allow me to ride faster. Secondly I improved my Muscular endurance, as I was able to extend my muscles endurance during my upper body goals by being able to push my muscles to do more pull ups and bench more weight.

Summary of results:

Focusing on leg strength I was able to show an increase of leg strength by decreasing my time riding up Mt Burdell. This by doing a Strava of a segment before and at the end of the season and seeing my time go down from 29:44 to 22:08 minutes.

Secondly I was able to show upper body increases in strength by increasing my baseline max bench press, and number of pull ups. This from 135 bench press to 145 and 10-11 pull ups.

All of this being good training and making be become a faster and more powerful athlete and showing good muscle growth and improvement of health.