robot art show

For this project we were unable to create any robots in the real world due to quarantine, however, thanks to Tinkercad circuits we could all make our own creations virtually and still get the same effect. Now for the project we were tasked on building a complex robot that could do something cool and showed our personal growths. Now for me blinking an LED was already a big personal growth but I wanted something bigger better and something interactive. Now before i start I have to say i'm a big guitar hero fan and this was largely based upon so. Due to be being a big an I wanted to simplify the game into three notes which then set the frequency for three different buzzers and then I also got to work setting up a chain of commands for different LEDS to be turned on and off this resulted in when you pressed the button at the same time as the LED you would play Mary had a little lamb. The idea seemed great so I got to work finding out how to make each thing work on its own and then simultaneously.

Tyler Hemmings Robot Art Show

This project was definitely not the easiest but thanks to understanding basic electronics with the ohms law being voltage is equal to current times resistance, problems were always quick to solve. Due to this understanding I could always track down the problem with the circuits simulator. For example when the LED wouldn't work and I knew i had power ground and a resistor going to it. I could always plug in the voltage and current running to the LED to find out how much resistance was need to make it get the correct amount without blowing up. Then after finishing the circuits was always the hardest part, the coding. This part didn't come to me easily mostly because it's a completely different language and I didn't know the vocabulary, but after doing multiple experiments and analyzing the code I could finally get the main idea of what effects what and was able to change values to make the experiments do different things. In the end I feel like I'm starting to get a grasp on this language and only time will tell if I learn it.


Two things I feel I learned were definitely more about electronics, this always seemed like a very complicated subject and something I could never learn but just learning how to turn one thing on at a time definitely gave me a confidence boost to try new things. Due to that I feel like i've grown as a student and learn more about persevering through struggles. Two things I didn't do so well however were asking for help. Through out life I've felt I couldn't depend on people so solo was always gonna be the way to go. And while I still don't want to ever become a dependent person, I'm learning that I can always ask for help. And thats what I feel like I need to do in the next project is instead of search up forums that make no sense, is go ask help because what's the harm in trying.