Vignette Lines and Product Design 

Watch the videos in sequence, answer all the questions, take legible notes, do all the drawings on paper. Show me the notes and drawings by uploading clear pictures to Google classroom and updating your digital portfolio, The journals will be collected at the end of the semester. 

The notes must NOT be in your engineering notebook,  clearly write the title the notes refer to.

 The sketches must be on clean, white paper, clearly state the video they refer to and your name. 

1. Vingettes (#40)

Copy of 40_ProductSketchingVignettes.mp4

2.  Okay, now it's time to apply what you've been learning throughout this course. I want you to sketch a concept for a package design. This could be a shampoo bottle, for example, or a perfume or a cologne bottle. What we'll focus on is not only constructing form on the fly, but then using hatch lines to cast shadows and even vignettes to help further delineate the concept. My recommendation, before you get started, is to think in terms the carton the bottle would come in. Sketch that as a scaffolding for the bottle, making sure to keep it as light as possible.

Build some sectional profiles in every planar orientation, X, Y and Z, and then connect the geometry with a heavier outline, some internal contour lines and hatch lines to suggest shade and shadow. Watch the solution video to walk you through a solution and how he arrived at it before you start drawing.

Remember the box is used as scaffolding only. The real sketch here is the nifty bottle you come up with. Don't limit yourself to shampoo only. I mean hey, go crazy and try conditioner! (Or perfume, cologne, hair gel, bath soap, bubble bath, etc...)

ALSO, PLEASE watch the solution video BEFORE starting so you get a good idea of what I am looking for in terms of quality.

2. Challenge movie and illustration (#41) 

Copy of 41_ProductSketchingChalShampoo05.mp4

3. Challenge Solution (#42)

Copy of 42_ProductSketchingSolShampoo05.mp4

4. Orthographic concept sketching (#43)

Copy of 43_ProductSketchingBottle.mp4

Concept sketching in orthographic: Make at least 4 concepts for an object of your choice in orthographic. (This would be a front and a side view of 4 different designs - or 8 drawings total.) Do 4 drawings on a side. 2 concepts on the front, and 2 concepts on the back. Then choose one design that you would like to develop and add line weight, hatching, and contour lines to make the design more detailed.