Problem-solving in Engineering Design

The act of problem-solving is certainly not new for humans. Effective problem solving, close kin to the "scientific method," was at the heart of the Renaissance (fourteenth through seventeenth centuries) and the Industrial Revolution (eighteenth and nineteenth centuries) ). People are still refining the problem-solving process.

Design process & Problem-solving definitions:

"The design process is a systematic and often iterative problem-solving strategy, with criteria and constraints, used to develop many possible solutions to solve a problem or satisfy human needs and wants and to narrow down the possible solutions."

"Problem-solving is the process of understanding a problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the effectiveness of the plan to solve a problem or meet a need or want."

Design is the process of planned change. Instead of something changing by accident. Design demands that we plan "change" so that we end up with the results we want. In a design process, the goal is to minimize undesired effects and control risk. "Design" also refers to the process used to create something new, to solve a problem. 

Design processes are used across the design continuum. Engineers at one end of the continuum use more math and science tools in their design process. Engineers design a variety of everyday products, from computer games to advanced medical devices. At the artistic end of the spectrum, designers use design processes to make decisions about color, contrast, sizing, shape, alignment, and perspective. Graphic designers use design processes to achieve a certain visual appeal, and their designs can include websites, billboards, product packaging. and TV commercials. Many products, like console computer games and automobiles, need designers from both ends of the design continuum to add both technical and aesthetic expertise.

The design process can be complicated. It is very important to remember, though, that a design process is nothing more than a logical problem-solving technique. It is a technique that has proven to be very effective and powerful. A good understanding of problem-solving techniques is useful in all aspects of life, not just designing products.

Week 6

Monday 09/25

Tuesday 09/26, Wednesday 09/27 

Thursday 09/28 

Friday 09/29  

Week 7

Monday 10/02

Tuesday 10/03 Wednesday 10/04

Thursday 10/05  

Friday 10/06  
