Initial Capstone Proposal

NGSS Standards:

NGSS.HS-ETS1-2 Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering.

DCI - ETS1.B When evaluating solutions, it is important to take into account a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics, and to consider social, cultural, and environmental impacts. (HS.ETS1-3)

Learning outcomes: Students will be able to:

  • Ask questions - that arise from careful observation of phenomena, or unexpected results, to clarify and/or seek additional information. - that arise from examining models or a theory, to clarify and/or seek additional information and relationships. - to determine relationships, including quantitative relationships, between independent and dependent variables. - to clarify and refine a model, an explanation, or an engineering problem.

  • Evaluate a question to determine if it is testable and relevant.

  • Ask and/or evaluate questions that challenge the premise(s) of an argument, the interpretation of a data set, or the suitability of a design.

  • Define a design problem that involves the development of a process or system with interacting components and criteria and constraints that may include social, technical, and/or environmental considerations.

NUSD 6 C's: Communicator, Critical Thinker, Collaborator, Conscientious Learner, Culturally Competent, Character


  • Initial Project Proposal and presentation, Finalize your topic of work and research with advice from your mentor and teammates. Write a 4-6 page proposal (excluding the title page, table of contents, citations, and the appendix) for your topic/project. Report Draft due 11/18, Report Final due 12/05

Initial Project Proposal Format:

  • Times new roman, 11 pts, page margins 1 inch, no spaces between paragraphs, one line space between sections. Section titles bold, 12 pts.

  • Must include team logo and colors

  • Must include:

  • Title page (Project name, team name and team members' names, logo)

  • Table of contents

  • Background (initial research, brainstorming)

  • Objectives (planned milestones, from Gantt charts)

  • Broader scope and Market research (problems that the product solves, human needs that the product meets, what is available on the market, and how is your product better/different)

  • Timeframe (Management plan, deadlines)

  • Project Budget (materials and costs) ***VERY IMPORTANT FOR FUNDING!!!!****

  • Developmental Process (how will you apply the Engineering design process to your project)

  • Different Tests you plan to run, Surveys, and further Research Questions you will try to answer. Things you will need to research and ask going forward, as it pertains to the engineering/Scientific aspect of your product and Marketability

  • Current Solutions (initial research and analysis/reverse engineering of similar existing products)

  • Scientific/Engineering Concepts (What Scientific/Engineering concepts will you address/include in the development of your prototype) ***VERY IMPORTANT***

  • Who are your mentors? What is their expertise why did you choose them? (only the ones that you are 100% certain are going to support your team going forward)

  • Insights, ideas from your mentors, how will they support you going forward

  • Citations

  • Appendix: tables/Pictures/graphs/sketches (at the end of the document as an appendix)

Check out this EXAMPLE (it can be improved, it is missing several sections but it is a good start)

Presentation, Content requirements:

  • It must be professional and well formatted

  • If possible, on the day of the presentation dress professionally (business suit preferable, business casual is ok)

  • Must include:

  • Title page (Project name, team name and team members' names, logo)

  • Background (initial research, brainstorming)

  • Objectives (planned milestones, from Gantt charts)

  • Broader scope and Market research (problems that the product solves, human needs that the product meets, what is available on the market, and how is your product better/different)

  • Timeframe (Management plan, deadlines)

  • Project Budget (materials and costs) ***VERY IMPORTANT FOR FUNDING!!!!****

  • Different Tests you plan to run, Surveys, and further Research Questions you will try to answer. Things you will need to research and ask going forward, as it pertains to the engineering/Scientific aspect of your product and Marketability

  • Current Solutions (initial research and analysis/reverse engineering of similar existing products)

  • Scientific/Engineering Concepts (What Scientific/Engineering concepts will you address/include in the development of your prototype) ***VERY IMPORTANT***

  • Who are your mentors? What is their expertise why did you choose them? (only the ones that you are 100% certain are going to support your team going forward)

  • Thank you slide