Capstone Design Step 4  

Detailed Design Experiments and Modeling.


i. Use Analysis, Experiments, and Models to help establish dimensions and proof of concept.

ii. Prepare detailed technical drawings (See tutorials and examples Below) of the design concept you selected. 


The goal of this step in the design process is to:

1 . Read this document!!!!!←click on underlined phrase ;)

2. Identify aspects of your design and its performance about which you are uncertain.

3. Associate the aspects in Design step 2 with one or more physical variables that can be varied by means of simple experiments.(YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE A COMPLETE BUILT PROTOTYPE OF YOUR PROJECT YET, YOU CAN TEST ASPECTS OF IT, WITH PARTIAL PROTOTYPES)

4. Plan the experiment by sketching up the experimental setup (listing the materials needed), Detailing the step by step procedures. (must be detailed)

4. Carry out the experiments that will do the most to reduce risk of redesign within the available time frame. 

5. Document the results in the form of graphs or tables and following the Weebly Updates rubric (The testing process will be included both in your personal portfolio and product's site).

IMPORTANT!!! You must perform at least 2 thorough experiments (that means at least 3 trials each experiment!). Begin by listing out design points that you are uncertain about. Design experiments that will answer your Experimental questions. Document everything. Use excel or google sheets to import data and graphs.

6. Compile ONE Lab Report containing your 2 experiments.

            -Read this document for the lab Report requirements!!!!←click on underlined phrase ;) 

             The document above describes EXACTLY what I want to see in your Lab Report

8 . Complete the tutorials below and prepare detailed technical digital drawings (buildable blueprints) in 2D and 3D (using Fusion 360 or of the design concept you selected specifying the details of the design so that it can be manufactured, by following instructions. Those details are the dimensions and material composition of parts, as well as the methods/parts used to join them.

The lab reports must include 2 experiments, and the following:(For details look here):



Lab Reports rubric below:

Lab Report Rubric.pdf

Review  "Technical Drawing Tutorials" and "Introducing 3D Modeling" (360 or

Detailed Technical Drawings with Autodesk Fusion 360

(Log-in with your autodesk account, instructions HERE)

Refresher/Beginners tutorials:

Drawing tutorials for making your products blueprints:

Learn Autodesk Fusion 360 in 30 Days for Complete Beginners!:

Examples Of Detailed Buildable 2D Blueprints