Design Step 4

NGSS Standards:

NGSS.HS-ETS1-3 Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and trade-offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics, as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.

DCI - ETS1. Criteria and constraints also include satisfying any requirements set by society, such as taking issues of risk mitigation into account, and they should be quantified to the extent possible and stated in such a way that one can tell if a given design meets them. (secondary to HS-PS2-3)

DCI - ETS1.B When evaluating solutions, it is important to take into account a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics, and to consider social, cultural, and environmental impacts. (HS.ETS1-3)

DCI - ETS1.C Criteria may need to be broken down into simpler ones that can be approached systematically, and decisions about the priority of certain criteria over others (trade-offs) may be needed. (secondary to HS-PS1-6)

Learning outcomes: Students will be able to: 

NUSD 6 C's:  Communicator, Critical Thinker, Collaborator, Conscientious Learner, Culturally Competent, Character


MAY 21st 2024 at 5-7 pm

The countdown below includes Saturdays, Sundays,...Time is ticking!


ALL DUE  May 5th (3 wks) GOAL :  Detailed Designs, Tests/Experiments, lab report, and Modeling. BUILD, BUILD, BUILD

Weeks  04/15-04/19, 04/22-04/26 and  04/29-05/03


In planning, you should be thinking of the following: 

Website update. Update your personal digital portfolios including all material produced during Capstone  Step 3. (Due 04/19)

Stem Coordinator updates and possible additional Funding Presentations (04/16 & 04/17)

Present your team & project to the STEM Coordinator Ms. Stafford. email: and the board

Present a working prototype, Use the material that you have produced so far to explain and promote your Capstone project

Explain the Concrete steps you have taken to find possible sponsors  

Present a revised detailed cost analysis for your prototypes (materials, tools), testing (materials, instruments), and promotional needs. Make sure to have a thorough list of what you might need going forward, materials (for the prototypes and tests), tools, etc... ready. There should be some funds available to make your awesome ideas a reality.

Attach a document that includes:

1) a copy of your email conversations (with mentors and sponsors) 

2) all material that you have shown during the presentation (slideshow, pictures, etc...),

3) explain the outcome (what other feedback or ideas did you receive during the conversations and presentation)

4) Explain what other funding you are planning to receive or receive, how you plan to raise the funds, and if you have any sponsors

Projects Open house night Stations (April 18th)

For Project Exhibition Night, create a self-explanatory station showing the progress you have made in your Capstone Project, the process, and the next steps (your detailed plan!).

Explain how the low-tech prototype will be improved.

Explain what are you planning to test and how (for the next Capstone step)

Include all the elements listed in the following list:

□ Technical/promotional posters

Presentation (slide show, pictures, videos)

□ Low Tech Prototype (or prototypes)

Describe how you have applied the engineering design process to develop your idea and low-tech prototype.

Design Demands & Wish List

Surveys and results (how did you use these results to inform your design)

□ Alternative concepts, and sketches.

4-6 pages proposal 

Define the engineering problem to be solved, identifying the need, the target user, and the justification. [Who] needs [what] because [why]. (Market Analysis)

Mentors' names, industry/specialty (questions asked, insights received)

Management Plan developed by your team (including major deadlines tasks and achievements of all members) & updated Gantt chart

All technical/conceptual Sketches done so far

□ Detailed 2D and 3D Digital technical drawings (with measurements) done so far (BLUEPRINTS)

□ Team/product website (containing all the info), Link to product/team website (even if work in progress)

Company/Product Logo

Any appropriate picture/video of the product or process Design

Analysis of Costs, Include any link to GoFundMe or similar crowdfunding sites that you will use to finance your project. (BUDGET)

Marketing material produced to promote your project (Flyers, business cards, commercials, Videos)

□ Individual STEM Portfolio

FROM PART 3 -  PRODUCTS LIFE CYCLES Life Cycle Assessment, Report, and Infographic (Due 04/26)

Reading: Complete all necessary readings HERE  (ask specific questions after reading the material)

GOAL: The goal of this exercise is to apply life-cycle thinking to your capstone product, map out all inputs and outputs, and identify the needed materials and processes as well as the potential environmental impacts of each lifecycle stage. Look up information on manufacturing and materials used in your product components' life cycles.

Activity: Research your product life cycle and 


Part 4

Step 0 - Carefully read this page HERE then:

Step 1 - Plan and set up detailed experiments Virtually and in real life, build prototypes or parts of it for testing (Due 04/19

Step  2 - BUILD & Run the experiments/tests

Step  3 - Complete the Lab Report (Due 05/03)

Step 4  -  Prepare detailed technical digital drawings (ongoing)

 Prepare detailed technical digital drawings (buildable blueprints) in 2D and 3D (using Fusion 360 or of the design concept you selected specifying the details of the design so that it can be manufactured, by following instructions.

**Check Onshape - Drawings tutorials or use Fusion 360 to make a blueprint **

***Those details are the dimensions and material composition of parts, as well as the methods/parts used to join them.***

Step 5  - Tinkercad & SIMSCALE Tutorials

2. Tinkercad Circuits Tutorials Part 1 due Friday 04/19:

3. Tinkercad Circuits Tutorials Part 2: due Friday 04/26:


Watch and complete the following tutorials using and Simscale

 Due Friday 04/19: Simscale is a simulation Software integrated with