Sketch a Pringle & Utensils

Watch the videos in sequence, answer all the questions, take legible notes, do all the drawings on paper. Show me the notes and drawings by uploading clear pictures to Google classroom and updating your digital portfolio, The journals will be collected at the end of the semester. 

The notes must NOT be in your engineering notebook,  clearly write the title the notes refer to.

 The sketches must be on clean, white paper, clearly state the video they refer to and your name. 

1. Sketch a Pringle (#44)

Copy of 44_ProductSketchingPringle.mp4

2.Sketching Tradeshow (#45) 

Copy of 45_ProductSketchingTradeshow.mp4

2.Sketching utensils (#46) 

Copy of 46_ProductSketchingUtensil.mp4