STEM/Scientific Posters

STEM Posters

You've been working hard on your projects, you have researched, you have been running tests, collecting data and evidence that your design works. You need funding to make you idea a reality and your research going. You need to show off to other Engineers, and possible investors what you have been working on. Except that time is limited during project presentation night. You have more data than can be meaningfully shown in a short Presentation.

Engineering/Scientific Poster Sessions have solved this problem by giving Engineers and Scientists an opportunity to display their work, visually, during a session where all people attending the Conference/presentation can go and see them. If you have a engaging poster, it is more likely that someone will stop to look at it. If your Problem/research Question captures their interest, they are likely to read your poster. This could result in more money (funding) for your project, so its important to get it right!

Scientific/Engineering Posters are a relatively new format of communication in Science and there are many examples of professional Scientific Posters online that you can use as examples. 

Poster Templates

Most of the posters should be in one of two formats, 36″x24″ or 48″x36″. you can use the provided trifolded displays, you can print multiple pieces of paper. For printing purposes, we recommend that students create their posters in Google slides (or a PowerPoint compatible program) at half-size. The posters will be printed at 200% to reach the dimensions mentioned above. Students can download the templates for either size via the links below:

Students need not follow the template exactly and are free to change the format as necessary for their particular poster. The only aspects of the poster template that must remain unchanged are the dimensions of the poster template and the title format (title, name, mentors).


Additionally, all posters will require your company logos and the logos of sponsoring organizations if available. Students, must include include the San Marin logo and the STEM Program Logo. For the most part, we recommend that students use .GIF rog .NPG formats for logos as they allow for transparent backgrounds and can be used on posters of any color. 



Poster Design Instructions

Although the directions below give lists of acceptable alternatives, such as other file formats and poster dimensions, we highly recommend that students use the poster templates above to design their posters.

Poster Printing Instructions

POSTER Templates/Examples:
