Engineering Ethics

Copy of Personal and Professional Ethics

Engineering Ethics:

Top 10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself When Making an Ethical Decision:

1. Could the decision become habit forming? If so, don’t do it. 

2. Is it legal? If it isn’t, don’t do it. 

3. Is it safe? If it isn’t, don’t do it. 

4. Is it the right thing to do? If it isn’t, don’t do it. 

5. Will this stand the test of public scrutiny? If it won’t, don’t do it. 

6. If something terrible happened, could I defend my actions? If you can’t, don’t do it. 

7. Is it just, balanced, and fair? If it isn’t, don’t do it. 

8. How will it make me feel about myself? If it’s lousy, don’t do it. 

9. Does this choice lead to the greatest good for the greatest number? If it doesn’t, don’t do it.

And the #1 question you should ask yourself when making an ethical decision:

10. Would I do this in front of my mother? If you wouldn’t, don’t do it.

NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers:

Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall: 

Copy of The Engineering Ethics Decision Matrix