Right Of Way Tracking

Learning > Record Pages > ROW Tracking


The Right Of Way Tracking ("ROW Tracking") record enables users to capture, track, and share ROW information with project teammates.

PMWeb Location: Navigation Bar > Records module > ROW Tracking

Available Reports: TBA

Job Aids

Record Guidance

This record contains multiple sub-tabs. Each sub-tab contains table(s) that necessitate entering information about Parcel Owners. 

In the Parcel Owner information tab, users enter information about parcel Owners, including but not limited to, name, parcel number, and contact information. In this table, users can designate some or all of the owners' information to be prepopulated in the other sub-tabs' tables. 

To avoid duplicating information, users should avoid editing parcel owner information after entering it. Any changes in the Owner Name and Parcel No fields will result in the system copying over duplicate information to other tables.

Report Guidance

Report development for this record is in progress. More details are TBA.

Workflow Guidance

There is no workflow for this record.

Integration Guidance

This record pulls in data from the PMWeb Project record, but does not integrate with external systems.


Why is my ROW Tracking record labeled "Draft"?

The ROW Tracking record does not go through a Workflow process where a designated reviewer approves the record. Therefore, the record will be labeled as "Draft" until it is manually changed by a user.