ROW Certification (Clearance)

Learning > Record Pages > ROW Certification


The Right of Way Certification record allows for ROW clearances, data, workflow, and deliverables to be captured in a central location. It also allows the project delivery team to easily view the status of the Right of Way Certification. For projects that require ROW, the Region ROW Designer and Region ROW Plans Supervisor will hold a ROW Plans Review (ROWPR) to appraise and acquire. The Surveyor will then determine if the plans are sufficiently complete and in accordance with CDOT's ROWPR Review Guidelines. 

PMWeb Location: Navigation Bar > Records > ROW Right of Way Certification (ROW Clearance)

Available reports: CDOT - ROW Right of Way Certification (ROW Clearance)

Job Aids

Record Guidance

The ROW Certification record contains several sub-tabs and tables within its Main tab.

Status of Right of Way Sub-Tab Tables

The delivery method of your project determines which table in the Status of Right of Way sub-tab a submitter should complete. 

Sub-Tab Applicability

The following guidance applies to the sub-tabs located in the Main tab of the ROW Certification record. 

The conditional clearance requirement of your project determines which sub-tabs a submitter should complete.

Notes Tab

The Notes tab for the ROW Certification record contains two autogenerated notes:

Text entered in these notes will show up in their respective comment sections on the ROW Certification form (the report output for this record).

Caution: Do not delete these Note lines. If you don't need them, leave them blank.

Report Guidance

The report output of this record is the Right of Way Certification Form. Most elements on the form draw from the record itself. Please note:

Workflow Guidance

After the submitter sends the record to Workflow, it goes to the ROW Manager for review and approval. If the submitter is the ROW Manager, PMWeb skips this step.

After the ROW Manager approves the record, if conditional clearance is required, the record goes to the Acquisition Relocation & Records Manager, then the ROW Program Manager (HQ), and finally, to the Project Development Branch Manager for review and approval. Once all three reviewers submit their approval, the record completes its workflow process. 

After the ROW Manager approves the record, if conditional clearance is not required, the record completes its workflow process.

If the submitter is the ROW Manager and no conditional clearance is required, the record completes its workflow process at the time of submission.

Integration Guidance

This record does not contain any integrations with external systems.


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