ROW Plan Review (ROWPR)

Learning > Record Pages > ROWPR


The Right of Way Plan Review (ROWPR) Record ensures that ROWPR meeting documentation is stored in a central location. Users document ROW plans that are sufficiently complete and in accordance with CDOT's ROW Plans Review Guidelines. Any significant design changes must complete a ROWPR meeting and document that plans are complete and meet design guidelines. 

PMWeb Location: Navigation Bar > Records > ROW Plan Review (ROWPR)

Available Reports: ROW Plan Review (ROWPR)

Job Aids

Record Guidance

The ROWPR record's Main tab contains several sub-tabs. Within these sub-tabs are tables. 

For each table in the Environmental, Roadway Design, and ROW/Survey subtabs, users must answer the stated questions with "Yes", "No", or "NA". 

In the instances where the table line starts with a dash "-" and is bold, the question is a follow up question to the one stated directly above it. 

For example, In the ROW Plans Requirement stable in the ROW/Survey tab, there are two lines that look like this:

Is RELOCATION needed for this Project?

- If so, has a RELOCATION PLAN been prepared and approved?

In this case, the second line is a follow up question to the first one.

In the Attendance tab, users can designate who attended the ROWPR meeting. In the Attendance table, there are two options for entering a name: (1) via a dropdown in the "Contact" column or (2) via free text in the "Contact External" column. Users only need to leverage one of these fields.

Report Guidance

The report output is the ROWPR report that summarizes the content of the record. The report contains a field called "ROWPR Date" that autopopulates after the ROWPR record has been approved.

Workflow Guidance

After the submitter submits the record to workflow, it goes to whoever is assigned to the Survey (Coordinator) role in the Project record. 

If the submitter is the person assigned to the Survey Coordinator role, they have several potential actions. The most common actions are approving the record or soliciting input from others via Team Input, then approving the record.

For more information on Team Input and Workflow for this record, please reference the Create a ROWPR record job aid.


Why does my ROWPR record show schedule dates in the year 2050?

The ROWPR record automatically pulls in data from the project's Schedule record. If the dates look off, please contact whoever maintains the project schedule. If the dates show as 2050, it is likely that the Project Manager for the project did not enter a date for that particular milestone. 

What do I do in PMWeb if I need to hold a second ROWPR meeting?

If a second ROWPR Meeting is required, the Survey Coordinator would use the copy feature. The new report would then only "print" the updated data, attendance list of the second meeting, and the notes from the second meeting. Attendance and notes from the first meeting will not appear in the new report.