Transgender & Non-Binary Students

Springfield High School is committed to providing a safe and supportive school environment that allows all students, of all identities, to progress academically and developmentally. The rights and the education of transgender and gender nonconforming students are protected uner Vermont’s Public Accommodations Act as reflected in our district’s Policy on the Prevention of Harassment, Hazing, & Bullying policy and any concerns or observations are mistreatment towards students should be reported to a counselor or an administrator immediately.

Although the SHS community is committing continued learning and more comprehensive support for transgender and gender nonconforming students, three areas that we have addressed are: preferred names/pronouns, sports and physical education, and bathroom/locker room access.

At SHS, students will be addressed by school staff by the name and pronoun corresponding to their gender identity. Students are not required to obtain a court ordered name and/or gender change or to change their pupil personnel records as a prerequisite to being addressed by the name and pronoun that corresponds to their gender identity. To the extent possible and consistent with these guidelines, school personnel should make efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the student’s transgender status.

Also, student IDs can be issued in the name that reflects a student’s gender identity.

SHS is committed to providing transgender and gender nonconforming students with the same opportunities to participate in physical education as are available all other students. Generally, students should be permitted to participate in physical education and sports in accordance with the student’s gender identity. Participation in competitive athletic activities and sports will be resolved on a case-by-case basis and SHS will utilize the Vermont Principals’ Association Activities/Athletics Policies: Article 1 Section as a resource for these conversations.

The use of restrooms and locker rooms by transgender students requires SHS to consider numerous factors, including, but not limited to: the transgender student’s preference, protecting student privacy, maximizing social integration of the transgender student, minimizing stigmatization of the student, ensuring equal opportunity to participate, the student’s age, and protecting the safety of the students involved. A transgender student should not be required to use a locker room or restroom that conflicts with the student’s gender identity and SHS will work with the student and family (and potentially the Counseling and Health offices) to create a plan.