Interactions with Teachers and Students

In general, most of our expectations for students fall under the ways in which they interact with each other and school staff in order to create a safe, healthy, inclusive, and welcoming learning environment. Though it would be impossible to list all the ways in which students should and should not interact with each other and with staff, the following guidelines, if followed, should ensure that you meet expectations, improve our community, and avoid disciplinary responses:

  • Do what a staff member requests the first time you are asked. If you disagree with the request, comply first and then politely ask questions.

  • Use appropriate language. Any profanity directed at a staff member or another student will be handled more severely.

  • Be kind with your language. Don’t attack others verbally.

  • Understand that social media actions are virtually identical to in-person actions when you are at school or during school hours. Don’t say anything on social media that you wouldn’t say out loud.

  • Be on time. If you aren’t able to be on time, have a pass.

  • Be where you say you are going to be. If you leave class, have a destination and return promptly.

  • Act in ways that allow other people to do their job (staff) and learn in school (other students).