Public Displays of Affection

Springfield High School is a public place and certain types of behavior are unacceptable in this setting. You need to think of the comfort level of your peers and teachers. Please think of the Cosmos’ Code #4, “Be appropriate; demonstrate behavior that is considerate of the community, the campus, and yourself.” Student surveys have shown that PDA creates a hostile atmosphere for many people. When members of our learning community feel unsafe, learning can be affected.

While it is difficult in some instances to specify exactly what types of public displays of affection are appropriate and what types are not, if a student follows these guidelines, his or her behavior probably falls into the “acceptable” category:

  • Holding hands is acceptable.

  • Long embraces are not acceptable.

  • Short hugs of “greeting” are acceptable.

  • Kissing is not acceptable.

  • Physical contact of a romantic nature is not acceptable.

The following are consequences for any PDA violation:

First Offense: Warning

Other Offenses: Administrative conference with students and their parents/guardians and/or further administrative action.