Theft & Vandalism

When a student damages or steals school property or the personal property of another member of the school community, the student will replace or pay for the replacement of the destroyed or missing property. Additional consequences will be imposed, and the incident may be referred to the police department.

Restitution also involves returning or paying to replace missing books, uniforms, or school materials or, in some cases (as granted by the administration) doing acts of community service for the school to “repay” the debt that is owed. No student will be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity until restitution has been made.

Any destruction of school property is considered vandalism. Students who engage in inappropriate behavior that results in damages to the school must reimburse the school for that damage. Damage will result in disciplinary action, notification of parents/guardians and reimbursement for all damages or replacement costs, and the incident may be referred to the police department.