Suspension & Expulsion Appeals

You may be suspended from school by the Principal and Assistant Principal for serious or repeated violations of school policy or disciplinary rules, or for other conduct not defined by rule which is deemed by the Principal or Assistant Principal to be disruptive to school operations.  If suspended, you are unable to participate in any extracurricular activities.   You are not to be on school property during the suspension period. Failure to abide by this procedure will result in an additional suspension, subject to separate notice and opportunity to be heard as set forth below.  You are expected to make up work as requested by the teachers and will receive credit for all assigned make-up work.  Responsibility lies with you to arrange make up work.  You may serve out of school suspension at the discretion of the Principal.

When student misconduct makes the continued presence of the student harmful to the welfare of the school, the Superintendent or Principal may, with the approval of the School Board, suspend the student for longer than ten school days or expel the student.

A student who is suspended from school has the rights of appeal outlined below:

SHORT TERM SUSPENSION: Any student who is suspended for ten days or less shall be provided minimum due process and an informal hearing before an appropriately designated school official.  This shall precede the imposition of the suspension and include (1) oral or written notice of alleged conduct to the student and their parent/guardian; (2) an explanation of the basis of those allegations; (3) an opportunity for the student to tell their side of the story and a (4) written decision from the school to the parent/guardian/student. (State Board of Education Manual 4311.1).

LONG TERM SUSPENSION: Any student who is referred for suspension by the school administrator for more than ten days shall be given the opportunity for a pre-suspension hearing before the Board, with prior written notice to the student and their parent/guardian of the nature of the charges/alleged conduct; the date/time/location of the Board hearing; their right to bring legal representation to the Board Hearing; a description of the proposed suspension/possible penalties to be imposed by the Board; the opportunity to present evidence; the opportunity to question/cross examine any witnesses presented at the hearing; and their right to receive the final decision of the Board in writing. (State Board of Education Manual 4311.2.)


All parents, legal guardians and/or adult students have the right to appeal a disciplinary action which has resulted in an out of school suspension.  A written request to appeal must be sent to the SHS administration.  A meeting time and place will be determined and the appeals process will proceed.  Parents, legal guardian and/or adult students who wish to appeal beyond the high school administration must follow the initial process. At that time, you may contact and appeal your case to the Superintendent.

You are expected to follow the instructions of all faculty, staff, and administrators. If you believe these instructions to be unjust or improper, you may (afterwards) appeal to the teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal, Superintendent, and School Board (in that order). You may, at the discretion of the administration, seek alternatives to the actions listed above that ensure that the harm done is repaired and all staff and students are safe.