Bias Incidents

Springfield High School is enmeshed within a larger local, state, and national society that has for years been challenged by bias and discrimination that encompasses but is not limited to racism, sexism, classism, and ableism. The reality is that we have not done enough, historically, to ensure that all students receive a welcoming and safe learning environment.

To that end, Springfield High School is committed to addressing incidents of bias in our schools. Bias incidents would include, but are certainly not limited to:

It is non-negotiable that all students are welcome in our school. Language or behavior whose nature is exacerbated by historical injustice detracts from that important mission.

Bias incidents are covered within existing student conduct policies. However, students should be aware that conduct that falls within the topic of bias will be handled through a combination of formal discipline and restorative justice. 

Our intention is that we are primarily able to work through these in an educational fashion through restorative justice; however, students unwilling to participate in restorative processes are likely to receive administrative discipline, up to and including suspension, based on violation of specific conduct policies. Repeated incidents will certainly lead to more severe disciplinary action following our progressive discipline model.