Senior Privileges

With parent/guardian approval, seniors will be allowed certain privileges not provided to underclassmen. If a student is approved, the following rules must be followed:

  1. You must pass all your classes.

  2. You must have two (2) or fewer unexcused absences during the previous ten weeks.

  3. You must have five (5) or fewer unexcused tardies during the previous ten weeks.

  4. You must have completed 10 hours of community service before the start of senior year.

  5. You must participate in advisory. Note that this applies even if you do not have a class directly before or after advisory.

  6. Seniors with no assigned classes at the beginning of the day may sign in before their first class. The tardy policy will apply to seniors signing in later than their scheduled time.

  7. Seniors with no assigned classes at the end of the day are allowed to leave early.

  8. If you are released from school under this program, you are to leave the school directly after your last class. You are required to sign out of the building before leaving. No loitering on school grounds will be tolerated. This includes visits to other schools.

  9. Eligible seniors and juniors may leave school grounds for lunch. Students must sign out/in of the building when leaving and returning. Please be aware that students are expected to be in their classes on time, if students are not, it will result in loss of privileges.

  10. Seniors who take underclassmen off campus during lunch will lose privileges.

  11. In every respect, Senior Privileges shall be considered a responsibility. Any student who proves himself/herself incapable of assuming this responsibility will lose his/her privileges, and parents/guardians will be notified.

  12. You must have parental permission, even if you are over 18.

Seniors failing any class will lose their sign-out privileges. Students who failed a course in the previous marking term are not allowed these privileges.

If eligible seniors have no class immediately following their lunch period, they may remain off school grounds until the beginning of their next class. Administration reserves the right to revoke Senior Privileges if it is determined to be in the student’s best interest.