Field Trips

The student handbook is to guide student behavior on all trips and extracurricular activities. The School Board and the Springfield High School Administration encourage field and out-of-state trips for cultural and academic enrichment and for unique learning opportunities. All students will be given equal opportunity to participate in such trips and efforts will be made to minimize interruption of the regular school program. Students/families will be given ample preparation time and fundraising opportunities for expensive trips.

All field trips and activities must be approved in advance by the Administration. The staff member sponsoring the field trip or activity will send written communication to parents/guardians concerning the logistical and relevant facts of the trip. Students must have a permission form signed by a parent/guardian and must meet all criteria as specified for participation on the trip. If an “Age of Majority” form is on file, an 18-year-old student may sign his/her own forms to participate in field trips. Permission slips must be returned to the sponsoring teacher at least one week before the scheduled event is to occur. A student who has been suspended will not be allowed to participate in field trips during the suspension period.

The student code of conduct applies when students are on a field trip or other school-sponsored activity, except where otherwise limited by law.