Electronic Devices

Springfield High School believes it is important for our students to be responsible digital citizens.  Our electronic devices policy is intended to reflect that belief.  It is the expectation that students are able to respect one another, respect the SHS staff, and respect the parameters electronic device usage rule outlined below:

IMPORTANT: Students and families should be aware that although stealing of any kind is considered a serious offense at SHS and is not a frequent occurrence, electronic devices are the items that are most commonly stolen from bags, unsecured lockers, and other public spaces.  The administration works hard to ensure that stolen items are returned to their owners and proper consequences are administered, but this is not always possible and we do not accept responsibility for lost or stolen items. Please be responsible and vigilant when carrying, using, and sharing electronic devices in the building.

IMPORTANT: Electronic devices may be subject to search by school administration if we have reasonable suspicion that they contain evidence of conduct that violates the law or school policy.