
If you choose to use a locker, you will be assigned one for your entire time at Springfield High School. Your locker is a place for you to store your class materials. It is important to understand that all lockers are the property of Springfield High School and are loaned to students. A search of any school locker by school officials may be conducted at any time when there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will disclose evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the rules of the school or the law.

Please don’t put a personal lock on your locker. If you do, the lock will be cut off. In order to maintain security, you should not reveal locker combinations to anyone. You also should not leave valuables in your locker and should make sure your locker is locked securely at all times. Springfield High School is not responsible for lost, stolen or missing items. This policy also applies to lockers in the athletic locker rooms.