Week 13: 

The Industrial Revolution

Unit Era: 1750 to 1914

Unit IV

Lesson 1: The Industrial Revolution BeginsL.G.1: I can describe how changes in agriculture helped spark the Industrial Revolution.L.G.2: I can analyze why the Industrial Revolution began in Britain.L.G.3: I can explain the role of steam technology and textile manufacturing in the Industrial Revolution. L.G.4: I can describe how the factory system and transportation revolution advanced technology.L.G.5: I can trace how the Industrial Revolution spread. Lesson 2: Social Impact of IndustrializationL.G.1: I can outline the growth industrial cities and the emergence of new social classes.L.G.2: I can describe the working conditions in factories and mines.L.G.3: I can analyze the benefits and challenges of industrialism.  L.G.4: I can describe the ideas of Adam Smith and other thinkers regarding free enterprise.L.G.5: I can identify the origins and characteristics of socialism and communism.    

Assigned Readings

  1. Industrial Revolution
  2. Enclosure
  3. Capital
  4. Entrepreneur
  5. Urbanization
  6. Standard of Living
  7. Utilitarianism
  8. Socialism
  9. Means of Production
  10. Communism
I. MW13 [ Notes ] The Industrial Revolution

MW13 Notes | Industrial Revolution

IV. MW05 [ Handout ] Student Choice Board

Student Choice Board

MW13 [ Extra Credit ] HistorTree Ornament

MP2 EC | HistorTree

Monday: Student Choice Day

Units III and IV

Opener: Overview | Student Choice Day(s)

Lesson: Select an Activity from the Student Choice Board

Closing: Reminder | The Work from Last Unit is Due By The End of Class

Leech Collector, A Honest Day's Work

TED-Ed | Trains and Time

TED-Ed | Underwater Train Tunnels

Tuesday: The Early Industrial Revolution 

MSDE II.B.1 | Analyze how scientific and technological advancements in communication, transportation, and agriculture led to the early Industrial Revolution in EnglandMSDE II.B.3 | Compare the internal and external geographic, economic, technological, energy and political factors that resulted in industrialization in Western European countries and the United States with those of Russia and Japan (1, 3, and 4). 

Opener: 19th Century Advertising (Notes) Early Anesthesia  

Lesson: The Early Industrial Revolution

Closing: Great Race | The Worst Jobs of the Victorian Era (1820 to 1914)

 Resources | Industrialization Around the World

Satiricial Etching of Thames Water (1828)

TED-Ed | History of Cemeteries

Wednesday: Reactions to Industrial Society

MSDE II.B.3 | Compare the internal and external geographic, economic, technological, energy and political factors that resulted in industrialization in Western European countries and the United States with those of Russia and Japan (1, 3, and 4). MSDE II.B. 2 | Examine how the factory system and capitalism changed economic relationships MSDE II.B.4 | Analyze the impacts of Socialist and Marxist beliefs and programs on politics, industry, and labor relations in late 19th century Europe (4, 5). 

Opener: Image Analysis | Satirical Etching of Thames Water (1828)

Lesson: Reactions to Industrial Society

Closing: Image Analysis | John Snow's Cholera Map (1854)

 Resources | Industrialization and Society

Charles Booth's Map of London Poverty (1889)

III. MW13 [ Classwork ] The Perils of Industrial Society - Source Work (IV.2.3)

Perils of Industrial Society

Thursday: The Perils of Industrial Society

MSDE II.B.5 | Explain how industrialization led to demographic changes, migration, urbanization, disease, pollution, women’s suffrage, and the emergence of new social classes

Opener: Vocabulary Quiz | The Industrial Revolution

Lesson: The Perils of Industrial Society

Closing: Psychology | We Are People Fascinated By Serial Killers?

 Resources | The Perils of Industrial Age Society

What Did You Learn?

All of Unit IV Learning Goals

Opener: Study | Unit IV: The Industrial Revolutions

Lesson: MW13 [ Test ] Unit IV - The Industrial Revolutions

Closing: Introduce Unit V: Nationalism and Democracy (1750-1914)

 Resources | The Environmental Effects of Industrialization  

[ YouTube] CCWH 1.32 - The Industrial Revolution

[ YouTube ] CCHS 1.21 - The Industrial Revolution

Essential Question(s) 1750 to 1890

Why do Some Nations Industrialize and Others Not?