Week 6: 

The Reformations and Scientific Revolution

Unit Era: 1300 to 1650 

Unit I

Lesson 3: The Protestant ReformationL.G.1: I can summarize the factors that encouraged the Protestant Reformation.L.G.2: I can explain the impact of the printing press on the Reformation.L.G.3: I can analyze Martin Luther's role in shaping the Protestant Reformation.L.G.4: I can explain the teachings and impact of John Calvin.
Lesson 4: Reformation Ideas Spread L.G.1: I can describe the new ideas that Protestant sects embraced.L.G.2: I can understand why England formed a new church.L.G.3: I can analyze how the Catholic Church reformed itself.
Lesson 5: The Scientific RevolutionL.G.1: I can explain how new discoveries in astronomy changed the way people viewed the universe.L.G.2: I understand the new scientific method and how it developed.L.G.3: I can identify the contributions that Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, and other scientists made to the Scientific Revolution.

Assigned Readings

  1. Indulgence
  2. Diet
  3. Predestination
  4. Theocracy
  5. Canonize
  6. Council of Trent
  7. Ghetto
  8. Heliocentric
  9. Scientific Method
  10. Gravity
I. MW06 [ Abridged Notes ] The Reformation and Scientific Revolution

MW06 Notes 

Monday: The Protestant Reformation

MSDE I.A.6 | Evaluating the impact of technology, the Renaissance, and the Reformation on the stability of  Western Europe.

Opener: Philosophy | Religion and Obsolescence 

Lesson: The Protestant Reformation and Scientific Revolution

Closing:  Great Race | Worst Places to be a "Witch"

 Resources | The Protestant Reformation

Rembrandt, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp (1632)

TED-Ed | Barber Surgeons

Tuesday: The Scientific Revolution

MSDE I.A.6 | Evaluating the impact of technology, the Renaissance, and the Reformation on the stability of  Western Europe.

Opener: Open Notes Quiz | Unit 1: The Renaissance and Reformation

Lesson: Thematic Chart | Unit 1: The Renaissance and Reformation

Closing: Grade | Thematic Chart

 Resources | The Scientific Revolution

MW06 [ Annotated Rubric ] MSDE EBAS - How to Earn a Perfect Score

How to Earn a Perfect Score on the EBAS

Wednesday: What Did You Learn?

All Learning Goals for the Associated Week(s) 

God as an Architect from Codex Vindobonensis (c. 1250)

Thursday: EBAS | Church and Science

Day 1 - Read, Annotate, and Pre-Write

Nicolaus Copernicus portrait (1580)

Friday: EBAS | Church and Science

Day 2 - Write the Evidence-Based Argumentative Set Essay

[ YouTube ] CCEH 1.6 - The Protestant Reformation

[ YouTube ] CCEH 1.12 - The Scientific Revolution

Essential Question(s) 1300 to 1750

How is Power Lost and Gained?