Week 5:
The Renaissance
Unit Era: 1300 to 1650
Unit I
Lesson 1: The Italian Renaissance L.G.1: I can describe the characteristics of the Renaissance and understand why it began in Italy.L.G.2: I can identify Renaissance artists and explain how new ideas affected the arts of the period.L.G.3: I understand how writers of the time addressed Renaissance themes.L.G.4: I can explain the impact of the RenaissanceLesson 2: The Northern RenaissanceL.G.1: I can describe the themes that northern European artists, humanists, and writers explored.L.G.2: I can explain how the printing revolution shaped European society.
Assigned Readings
Make sure you know the vocabulary terms on the right, as you may be quizzed on them this week.
- Humanism
- Humanities
- Florence
- Patron
- Perspective
- Niccolo Machiavelli
- Vernacular
- Johannes Gutenberg
- Erasmus
- Utopia
Monday: Student Choice Day
Units 0 and IOpener I: Overview | Student Choice Day(s)
On Student Choice Days you decide how best to utilize your time related to the class. Consider:
Finalizing The Previous Unit | submit work from the previous unit by the end of the class.
After today it will only be valued at 1 point.
Beginning to Work on the Current Unit | Get a head start on the work for the current unit.
Recovery a Test | After completing the Recovery Handout, you may recover a previous test from the MP.
Opener II: Review| Unit Review Test
We will go over the previous test so you know the answers in case you wish to do recovery
Please note for the section on "how do you know it's the Correct Answer" you may not reference me discussing it as your rationale (unless you talked with me individually)
Lesson: Select an Activity from the Student Choice Board
See the Student Choice Board (left) if you want more information about today's activity
Closing: Reminder | The Work from Last Unit is Due By The End of Class
Today marks the last day in which you can turn in the work from the previous unit for partial credit (unless you are within the five days of SMCPS policy for a lawful absence).
If you turn in an assignment from the last unit after today it will be marked as a "1/x" where "x" is equal to the value of the assignment. In other words, you will earn 1 point to illustrate that you turned in the assignment, albeit after it was directly relevant to the learning taking place.
Tuesday: The Renaissance
MSDE I.A.6 | Evaluate the impact of technology, the Renaissance, and the Reformation on the stability of Western Europe.Opener: Philosophy | Fear or Love?
Niccolo Machiavelli, in the Prince (1532), wrote: “Here a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared, or the reverse. The answer is, of course, that it would be best to be both loved and feared. But since the two rarely come together, anyone compelled to choose will find greater security in being feared than in being loved. . . . Love endures by a bond which men, being scoundrels, may break whenever it serves their advantage to do so; but fear is supported by the dread of pain, which is ever present.”
If you were a leader of people, do you think it is better to be fear or loved? Explain
Lesson: The Italian Renaissance
Notes | The Italian Renaissance
(Extension) Discussion | What benefits does art provide society? Does art hurt society in any way?
Closing: Great Race | Name That Turtle!
Students identify which Renaissance artist was responsible for each of the ten pieces of artwork.
Resources | The Renaissance
Dad Jokes | The Renaissance
Since I won't see in you person today I wanted to share some Renaissance jokes from the Internet that will be sure to make you more popular with your social circle:
Q: What did the Terminator say when he accidentally got sent back in time to the Renaissance?
A: I'll be Bach.
Teacher's note: this joke isn't even accurate. Bach was from the Baroque period of music, not the Renaissance. Make sure to say that part about Bach and Baroque to your friends afterwards, people love a good explanation after a poorly implemented joke.
Q: Did you hear about the crab who could paint?
A: His name was Leonardo Da-Pinchi.
Wednesday: The Northern Renaissance
MSDE I.A.6 | Evaluate the impact of technology, the Renaissance, and the Reformation on the stability of Western Europe.Opener: Art Analysis | The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Identify each of the Horsemen in Albrecht Durer's print (1498).
Notes | The Northern Renaissance and Printing Press
Closing: Closing: L.G. 1.2 ( Notes) Adorable Renaissance Babies in Artwork
Just enjoy the wonderful world of Renaissance babies artwork
Resources | Preindustrial Technology
Thursday: Renaissance Artwork
MSDE I.A.6 | Evaluating the impact of technology, the Renaissance, and the Reformation on the stability of Western Europe.Opener: Vocabulary Quiz | The Renaissance
Complete the vocabulary quiz based on the words from this week's readings. In the event that you did not do well you are welcome to earn the points back by submitting definitions for the vocabulary terms using the Frayer Model (click for example).
(Extension) What is so great about the Mona Lisa?
Do you have a favorite piece of visual art (painting, photograph, etc.)? What is it?
Why do you think Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa (1503-1505) is the most famous painting in history?
Lesson: Virtual Museum Field Trip | The Renaissance
Complete the "MW05: Virtual Museum Trip - The Renaissance" assignment.
Closing: Discussion | Favorite Renaissance Art Today
Now that you completed the Virtual Museum Trip through Google Arts & Culture, what is your favorite painting or print from the activity? Why did it appeal to you?
Friday: Professional Development Day
No School TodayOpener: Relax | You Do Not Have School Today
But your teachers do.
Lesson: Understand the Day Off | Professional Development Day
Today your teachers will be exposed to a variety of information about how to provide a more enriching experience for your education. Upon your return, they will have new ideas to try out and may even have new policies to implement.
Closing: Celebration | Professional Development Day
You do not have school today. Find your bliss.
[ YouTube ] CCWH 1.22 - The Renaissance
[ YouTube ] History Matters - Medieval Banks
Essential Question(s) 1300 to 1750
How is Power Lost and Gained?
MSDE Objective(s) | Students will evaluate the regional reactions to the collapse of the interregional stability by :
I.A.6 | Evaluating the impact of technology, the Renaissance, and the Reformation on the stability of Western Europe (CDI, GOV, ECN, SIO)