Week 5: 

The Renaissance

Unit Era: 1300 to 1650 

Unit I 

Lesson 1: The Italian Renaissance L.G.1: I can describe the characteristics of the Renaissance and understand why it began in Italy.L.G.2: I can identify Renaissance artists and explain how new ideas affected the arts of the period.L.G.3: I understand how writers of the time addressed Renaissance themes.L.G.4: I can explain the impact of the Renaissance
Lesson 2: The Northern RenaissanceL.G.1: I can describe the themes that northern European artists, humanists, and writers explored.L.G.2: I can explain how the printing revolution shaped European society.  

Assigned Readings

  1. Humanism
  2. Humanities
  3. Florence
  4. Patron
  5. Perspective
  6. Niccolo Machiavelli
  7. Vernacular
  8. Johannes Gutenberg
  9. Erasmus
  10. Utopia
IV. MW05 [ Handout ] Student Choice Board

DOC | Student Choice Board

V. MW05 [ Recovery Handout ] Submit This Before Retaking Test

WS | Test Recovery Handout

Monday: Student Choice Day 

Units 0 and I

Opener I: Overview | Student Choice Day(s)

Opener II: Review| Unit Review Test

Lesson: Select an Activity from the Student Choice Board

Closing: Reminder | The Work from Last Unit is Due By The End of Class

I. MW05 [ Notes ] The Renaissance

Notes | The Renaissance

MW05.1 [ Document Reader ] The Renaissance

Tuesday: The Renaissance

MSDE I.A.6 | Evaluate the impact of technology, the Renaissance, and the Reformation on the stability of  Western Europe.

Opener: Philosophy | Fear or Love?

Lesson: The Italian Renaissance

Closing:  Great Race | Name That Turtle!

 Resources | The Renaissance

Dad Jokes | The Renaissance

Wednesday: The Northern Renaissance 

MSDE I.A.6 | Evaluate the impact of technology, the Renaissance, and the Reformation on the stability of  Western Europe.

Opener: Art Analysis | The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse  


Closing: Closing:  L.G. 1.2 ( Notes) Adorable Renaissance Babies in Artwork

 Resources | Preindustrial Technology

III. MW05 [ Classwork ] Virtual Museum Trip - The Renaissance ( Google Arts & Culture )

WS | Renaissance Virtual Field Trip

Mona Lisa by Leonardo (1503-1505)

Thursday: Renaissance Artwork

MSDE I.A.6 | Evaluating the impact of technology, the Renaissance, and the Reformation on the stability of  Western Europe.

Opener: Vocabulary Quiz | The Renaissance

Lesson: Virtual Museum Field Trip | The Renaissance

Closing:  Discussion | Favorite Renaissance Art Today


Friday: Professional Development Day

No School Today

Opener: Relax | You Do Not Have School Today

Lesson: Understand the Day Off | Professional Development Day

Closing: Celebration | Professional Development Day 

[ YouTube ] CCWH 1.22 - The Renaissance

[ YouTube ] History Matters - Medieval Banks

Essential Question(s) 1300 to 1750

How is Power Lost and Gained?