Week 36: 

The Industrialized World and Globalization

Unit Era: 1980 to Present

Unit XII

 Lesson 5: The Industrialized WorldL.G.1: I can examine social, political, and economic trends in Europe since the Cold War.  L.G.2: I can describe how the breakup of Yugoslavia led to war and genocide.  L.G.3: I can analyze the challenges facing Russia since the end of the Soviet Union.L.G.4: I can summarize economic developments in Asia.   Lesson 6: Globalization and TradeL.G.1: I can summarize the impact of globalization on the modern world.L.G.2: I can describe the role of international organizations and treaties in expanding trade.L.G.3: I can analyze the costs and benefits of globalization.  

Assigned Readings

  1. European Union (EU)
  2. Euro
  3. Pacific Rim
  4. Good Friday Agreement
  5. Chechnya
  6. Ethnic Cleansing
  7. Globalization
  8. Multinational Corporation
  9. World Trade Organization (WTO)
  10. Sustainability
I. MW36 [ Notes ] Globalization

MW36 Notes | Industrialized World and Globalization

Monday: The Developed World

MSDE IV.A.5 | Compare how globalization contributed to urbanization, population changes, and regional migration in the developing and the developed world (1, 4, and 5). 

Opener: Great Race | The Early 2000s in Music

Lesson: The Developed World

Closing: Great Race | Wealthiest Countries in 2022

 Resources | Migration

Nighthawks by Edward Hopper (1942)


Tuesday: Global Economic Interdependence

MSDE IV.A.3 | Evaluate the impact of the European Union (EU), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank on trade and regional development, and global economic interdependence (4).

Opener: Great Race | The Early 2000s in Movies

Lesson: Global Economic Interdependence

Closing: Great Race | Most Popular Fast Food by Country

 Resources | The World Market after WWII (1945 to the Present)

MW36 [ Classwork ] Multinational Corporations - Current Event (XII.6.1)

THURS [Classwork] Multinational Corporations

Wednesday: Globalization and Multinational Corporations

MSDE IV.A.2 | Analyze the relationship between globalization and the growth of multinational corporations (4). 

Opener: Philosophy | Owning a Business

Lesson: Multinational Corporations 

Great Race |Modern Brands

 Resources | Globalization

MW36 [ Classwork ] Chinese Box Office and Hollywood - World 101 (XII.6.3)

FRI [Classwork] China and Hollywood

Thursday: Technology and Globalization

MSDE IV.A.4 | Assess the impact of digital communication and industrial technologies (outsourcing, containerization, global banking, and automation) on regional and global labor markets (4). 

Vocabulary Quiz | The Industrialized World and Globalization

Lesson: The Chinese Box Office and Hollywood

Closing: Discussion | The Chinese Box Office

 Resources | Modern Technology: A Better Tomorrow?

Friday: See Revised Schedule 

We did not have school Tuesday (elections) so the assignments have been moved around.  

Mon: Notes 1 of 2

Tues: No School

Wed: Corporations Current Event

Thurs: Hollywood and the Chinese Box Office

Fri: Notes 2 of 2

[YouTube] CCWH 1.41 - Globalization I

[YouTube] Infographics Show - Most Powerful Corporations

Essential Question(s) 1970 to the Present

Is Globalization a Net Positive?