Week 3: 

The Classical Age


Lesson 4: The AmericasL.G.1: I can describe the major developments of the Maya and Aztec civilizations. L.G.2: I can describe the major developments of Inca civilization.L.G.3: I can examine the cultures that developed in different geographic regions of North America.
Lesson 5: Classical GreeceL.G.1: I can explain how democracy and other forms of government developed in Ancient Greece.L.G.2: I can analyze the political and ethical ideas developed by ancient Greek philosophers.L.G.3: I can explain how Alexander the Great built and extensive empire and describe the empire's cultural impact.
Lesson 6: Rome and the Origins of Christianity L.G.1: I can analyze the history and nature of the Roman Republic.L.G.2: I can trace the rise and decline of the Roman Empire.L.G.3: I can describe the major achievements of Roman civilization.L.G.4:  I can describe the origins and teachings of early Christianity.

Assigned Readings

  1. Polis
  2. Monarchy
  3. Aristocracy
  4. Democracy
  5. Republic
  6. Patrician / Plebeian
  7. Imperialism
  8. Aqueduct
  9. Messiah
  10. Martyr
I. MW03 [ Notes ] Classical Civilizations - Greece, Rome, and America

MW03 | Notes

Monday: Labor Day

No School Today

Opener: Relax | You Do Not Have School Today 

Lesson: Understand The Holiday | Labor Day

Closing: Celebration | Labor Day

MW03.1 [ Document Reader ] The Americas

Codex Mendoza (c. 1521)

Tuesday: The Americas

Opener: Image Analysis | Aztec Society and the Codex Mendoza

Lesson: The Americas

Closing: Personal Preference | Living Spaces

 Resources | The Maya, Aztec, and Inca

Diogenes Sitting in His Tub by Jean-Leon Gerome (1860 CE)

Wednesday: Greece

Opener: Philosophy | Know Thyself

Lesson: Ancient Greece

Closing: Great Race | The Greek Gods of Hades

 Resources | The Greek Civilization

Laocoon and His Sons  (c. 170-150 BCE)

Thursday: Rome

Opener: Vocabulary Quiz | The Classical Age

Lesson: Ancient Rome

Great Race | Origins of Belief Systems Map

 Resources | The Roman Empire

III.B MW03 [ Slides ] Rome and Christianity - RLH

GS| Rome and Christianity

MW03 [ Worksheet ] Rome and Christianity - RLH

CW | Rome and Christianity

Friday: The Roman Empire and Christianity

Opener: Philosophy | Religion and Morality

Lesson: Primary Source Analysis | The Roman Empire and Christianity

Closing: Investigating Bias | Rome and Christianity

 Resources | Introduction to the Abrahamic Faiths

[ YouTube ] CCWH 1.9 - The Silk Road

[ YouTube ] CCWH 1.5 - The Persians and Greeks