Week 9: 

The Slave Trade and Columbian Exchange

Unit Era: 1415 to 1796

Unit II

Lesson 5: The Slave Trade and Its Impact on AfricaL.G.1: I can summarize the expansion of the African slave trade.L.G.2: I can explain how triangular trade worked.L.G.3: I understand the nature of the Middle Passage and can describe its effects.L.G.4: I can analyze the impact of the Atlantic slave trade on West Africa and the Americas. Lesson 6: Effects of Global ContactL.G.1: I can explain how European exploration led to the Columbian ExchangeL.G.2: I can explain new economic factors and principles that contributed to the success of the commercial revolution.L.G.3: I understand the impact of mercantilism on European and colonial economies.  

Assigned Readings

  1. Asante kingdom
  2. Monopoly
  3. Triangular Trade; Middle Passage
  4. Mutiny
  5. Columbian Exchange
  6. Inflation
  7. Capitalism
  8. Mercantilism
  9. Tariff
  10. Commercial Revolution
I. MW09 [ Notes ] The Slave Trade & Columbian Exchange Notes

MW09 Notes | The Slave Trade and Colombian Exchange

Monday: The Atlantic Slave Trade

MSDE I.A.3 | Explain the causes and effects of Islamic expansion (covered in Week 4) and Eurasian trade routes on political and culture life in West African kingdoms 

Opener: Prior Knowledge | Africa before European Arrival

Lesson: The Atlantic Slave Trade

Closing: Geography | West Africa

 Resources | African History before the Berlin Conference (1884)

The Columbian Exchange

TED-Ed | Gold Origins

Tuesday: The Columbian Exchange Etc.

MSDE I.B.2 | Assess the ways in which the Columbian Exchange and the trans‐Atlantic African slave trade affected Europe, Asia, Africa, and the indigenous peoples of the Americas

Image Analysis | The Columbian Exchange by Freemanpedia

Lesson: The Columbian Exchange and Thereafter

Closing: Great Race | Columbian Exchange Diseases (2023 we did this last week)

 Resources | The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

MW09 [ Classwork ] Thematic Chart - Unit II New Global Connections

WS | Thematic Chart

Wednesday: Unit II Thematic Chart

All of Unit II Learning Goals

Opener: Open Notes Quiz | Unit II: New Global Connections

Lesson: Thematic Chart | Unit II: New Global Connections

Closing: Grade | Thematic Chart

 Resources | The Columbian Exchange

The Thinker by Rodin (1910)

Thursday: What Do You Know?

All of Unit II Learning Goals

Opener: Study | Unit II: New Global Connections

Lesson: MW07-MW09 [ Test ] Unit II - New Global Connections

Closing: Introduce Unit III: Absolutism and Revolution

A Generic Image of Pictionary from the Internet

Friday: History Pictionary

Based on a variety of World History topics

Early Dismissal - Pep Rally

Opener: Rules | History Pictionary

Lesson: Play the Game | World History Pictionary

Closing: Declare a Winner | Everyone Wins

[ YouTube ] CCWH 1.24 - The Atlantic Slave Trade

[ YouTube ] CCWH 1.23 - The Columbian Exchange

[ Podcast ] 100 Objects - Akan 

Essential Question(s) 1300 to 1750

How is Power Lost and Gained?

How does the Interaction of Cultures and People Lead to Conflict and Change?