Addressing Mental Health Issues within Middle Schools Utilizing School-Based Intervention Programs

Mental health problems among American youth have become extremely prominent in recent years, especially regarding the increasing rates of depression, psychological distress and suicidal thoughts and actions, with 33% more adolescents exhibiting high levels of depressive symptoms from 2010 to 2015 (Twenge, Joiner, Rogers, & Martin, 2018). Various solutions have been discussed in order to address these behavioral and emotional issues, however very few have been implemented within schools. Based on the information from empirical evidence, we propose that schools, particularly middle schools, utilize elements of both prevention and intervention methods. Our action plan is a weekly school-based program and formulated to focus on different components of addressing mental health issues in order to approach the multifacets of which mental health issues arise. The ultimate aim of this program is to provide accessible mental health services, promote positive approaches toward mental health practices among youth, and improve mental wellbeing.

The group would like to thank Dr. Challis Kinnucan for their support of this project.

Audra Bell

Audra is graduating this semester with a degree in Psychology.

Hannah Foley

Hannah Foley is from Bloomington, IL. While attending Saint Louis University, Hannah majored in Criminology & Criminal Justice and Psychology and minored in Forensic Science. After graduating, Hannah will be serving as an Americorps Member in Baltimore, MD for one-year in The Choice program where they will working in a community-based program for at-risk youth and juvenile offenders to connect them with resources and achieve their goals towards positive life outcomes. After this, Hannah plans on going to graduate school and working towards becoming a psychologist for at-risk youth and justice-involved youth.

Abigail Lang

Abigail is graduating this semester with a degree in Psychology.